08 March 2024

She selected the tire to nest in this year, as she did last year. Great Horned Owls do not build nests, they typically take unoccupied eagle and hawk nests - or an artificial structure such as a tire. She had chosen the tire multiple times over the years.

Important Dates

We suspect:

She began incubating eggs 15-17 February

Egg hatching: 17-23 March

31 March - Partly cloudy, 60F NE winds 4mph

I’ve been checking on her any time I’m at CBEC, always seeing her on the nest. Today I did the same and saw her on the nest. I stopped by later before leaving (at 5:00pm) and noticed she was not on the nest. I waited and she flew in 11 minutes later. She was waiting for the male to bring in food, not to disrupt this I left the area after a few minutes of observation.


First Sighting of Owlet