About Birding.Pictures
This site began as a collection of my birding pictures in Bird Catalog, (it currently has approx. 318 species) but has turned into much more. It’s now a site where you can learn about birds and birding.
Hear a world renowned ornithologist talk about Great Horned Owls; take an on-line course - Warbler Identification - Spring, Warbler Identification - Fall or Identifying Raptors in Flight in Learn About Birds.
Watch owlets, eaglets and other nestlings develop into fledglings in Nest Monitoring.
Virtually experience Birding Trips to Cape May, Magee Marsh and Hawk Mountain during the fascinating natural process of migration. Follow me on a Costa Rica Trip where I’m introduced to 58 new bird species including a keel-billed toucan.
Plan your bird walk (currently MD counties) with Birding Locations. It covers info such as - Are there bathrooms? Do you need to bring a scope? What birds species are you expected to see? It offers a suggested bird walk with turn by turn direction.
Test your knowledge with different level Quizzes or explore Tips & Info were you can find bird/birding related information such as mobile apps, links or even how to prevent window strikes.
I hope to foster a deeper appreciation for these feathered creatures and promote their conservation. So, whether you're a seasoned birder or simply enthralled by the wonders of nature, I invite you to embark on a virtual journey and immerse yourself in the world of Birding.Pictures.
If you would like to use a photo for your personal or business use contact me for byline information. Please include the picture ID. Although not required, please consider Buying Me a Coffee (see button below) - the proceeds go to website expenses.
The pictures below are a sample from Bird Catalog.
Copyright 2021-2025 ©

Horned Grebe - ID-HOGR10

Great Horned Owlet - ID - KI04-15-24-9

Eastern Bluebird - ID - EABL72

Great Horned Owlet - ID - KI04-15-24-7

Yellow-crowned Night Heron (juvenile) - ID - YCNH49

Osprey - ID - Nest6Chick-4

Great Horned Owl - ID - GHOW35

Brown-headed Nuthatch - ID - BHNU43

Great Horned Owlet - ID - GHOW04-29-24-4

Bay-breasted Warbler - ID - BBWA

Yellow Warbler - ID - YEWA63

Great Horned Owlets - ID - GHOW04-13-23-16

Screech Owlet - ID- EASO21

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks - ID - BBWD18

Screech Owlet - ID- EASO41

Screech Owl - ID- EASO

Cape May Warbler - ID - CMWA

Yellow Warbler - ID - YEWA8

Yellow-throated Warber - ID - YTWA20

Magnolia Warbler - ID - MAWA8

Chestnut-sided Warbler - ID - CSWA11

Prothonotary Warbler - ID - PROW9

Barn Swallow - ID - BARS17

Carolina Wren - ID-CARW19

White-crowned Sparrow - ID - WCSP3

Inca Dove - ID - INDO26

Great Egret - ID - GREG27
Tricolor Heron - ID - TRHE70

Mallard - ID - MALL19

Black-throated Green Warbler - ID - BTNW11 - QAC-09-19-21

Great Horned Owlet - ID - GHOW04-28-21

Eastern Kingbird - ID - EAKI33

Canada Goslings - ID - CANG34

Bald Eagle - ID - BAEA

Bald Eagle - ID - BAE55

Brown Creeper - ID - BRCR

Eastern Kingbird - ID - EAKI25

American Kestrel - ID - AMKE
Green Heron - ID - GRHE

Eastern Kingbird - ID - EAKI50
Canada Goslings - ID - CANG29

Northern Mockingbird - ID - NOMO27

Tree Swallow - ID - TRES10

Ring-billed Gull - ID - RBGU7

Osprey - ID - OSPR42

Screech Owl - ID - EASO

White-eyed Vireo - ID - WEVI

Screech Owlet - ID- EASO45

Greater Yellowlegs - ID - GRYE

Black-necked Stilts - ID - BNSTFamily4

Brown Pelican - ID - BRPE

Brown Pelican - ID - BRPE34

Brown Pelican - ID - BRPE4

Sandhill Crane - ID - SACR13

Sandhill Crane - ID - SACR11

Northern Parula - ID - NOPA10

Ruby-crowned Kinglet - ID - RCK31

Purple Martin - ID - PUMA5

House Wren - ID - HOWR14

Tufted Titmouse - ID - TUTI13

Blue Jay - ID - BLJA14

Blue Jay - ID - BLJA17

Merlin - ID - MERL

Purple Finch - ID - PUFI3

Blackpoll Warbler - ID - BLPW12

Screech Owl - ID - EASO21

Downy Woodpecker - ID - DOWO27

Ruddy Duck - ID - RUDU

Brown Pelican - ID - BRPE114

Pileated Woodpecker - ID - PIWO42

Snow Bunting - ID - SNBU

Bay-breasted Warbler - ID - BBWA7

Great Horned Owl - ID - GHOW21

Red-tailed Hawk - ID - RTHA28

Great Horned Owl - ID - GHOW130

Yellow Warbler - ID - YEWANest4

Northern Parula - ID - NOPA16

Yellow Warbler - ID - YEWA21
Pileated Woodpecker - ID - PIWO10

Bald Eagle - ID - BAEA108

ID - GHOW05-01-23-14 BW

Osprey - ID - 06-04-23-1

Osprey - ID - 06-25-23-01

Snowy Owl - ID - SNOW12

Semipalmated Plover - ID - SEPL-16

American Flamingo - ID - AMFL-13

Red-headed Woodpecker - ID - RHWO-71

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - ID - RTHU-34

Red-headed Woodpecker - ID - RHWO59

Red-headed Woodpecker - ID - RHWO57

American Avocets - ID - AMAV41

Snowy Egrets/Great Egrets - ID - shorebirds29

American Avocets/Snowy Egret - ID - AMAV-SNEG8

Blue Grosbeak - ID - BLGR13

European Starling - ID - EUST16

LeConte's Sparrow - ID - LCSP21

LeConte's Sparrow - ID - LCSP20

LeConte's Sparrow - ID - LCSP13

Belted Kingfisher - ID - BEKI27

Cedar Waxwing - ID - CEDW34

Cedar Waxwing - ID CEDW33

Great-black-backed Gull - ID - GBBG6

Sanderling - ID - SAND10

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - ID - YBSA50

Sanderling - ID - SAND20

Northern Parula - ID - NOPA29

Mallards - ID - MALL34

Candada Geese - ID - CANG48

Northern Flicker - ID - NOFL80

Northern Parula - ID - NOPA36

Snowy Egret - ID - SNEG172

Snowy Egret - ID - SNEG168

Northern Flicker - ID - 24NOFL29

Yellow-billed Cuckoo - ID - YBCU19

Little Blue Heron - ID - LBHE26

Ovenbird - ID - OVEN9

Magnolia Warbler - ID - MAWA17

Osprey - ID - OSPR87

Killdeer Chick - ID - KILLfam26

Snowy Egret - ID - SNEG100

Amazon Kingfisher - ID - AMKI9

Keel Billed Tucan - ID - KBTO

Red-tailed Hawk - ID - RTHA39

Northern Flicker - ID - NOFL53

Pileated Woodpecker - ID - PIWO9

American Wigeon - ID - AMWI11

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - ID - RTHU54

Ruby-throated Hummingbird - ID - RTHU39

Great-horned Owlets - ID - GHOW04-21-23-09

Eurasian Wigeon - ID - EUWI14

Northern Shoveler - ID - NSHO41

Northern Shoveler - ID - NSHO51

Ring-billed Gull - ID - RBGU25

Herring Gull - ID - HERG29

Herring Gull - ID - HERG30

Northern Pintail - ID - NOP26

European Starling - ID - EUST20

American Wigeon - ID - AMWI28

Northern Shoveler - ID - NSHO86

Red-shouldered Hawk - ID - RSHA63

Pied-billed Grebe - ID - PBGR4

Bufflehead - ID - BUFF32