About Birding.Pictures

This site began as a collection of my birding pictures in Bird Catalog, (it currently has approx. 318 species) but has turned into much more. It’s now a site where you can learn about birds and birding.

  • Hear a world renowned ornithologist talk about Great Horned Owls; take an on-line course - Warbler Identification - Spring, Warbler Identification - Fall or Identifying Raptors in Flight in Learn About Birds.

  • Watch owlets, eaglets and other nestlings develop into fledglings in Nest Monitoring.

  • Virtually experience Birding Trips to Cape May, Magee Marsh and Hawk Mountain during the fascinating natural process of migration. Follow me on a Costa Rica Trip where I’m introduced to 58 new bird species including a keel-billed toucan.

  • Plan your bird walk (currently MD counties) with Birding Locations. It covers info such as - Are there bathrooms? Do you need to bring a scope? What birds species are you expected to see? It offers a suggested bird walk with turn by turn direction.

  • Test your knowledge with different level Quizzes or explore Tips & Info were you can find bird/birding related information such as mobile apps, links or even how to prevent window strikes.

I hope to foster a deeper appreciation for these feathered creatures and promote their conservation. So, whether you're a seasoned birder or simply enthralled by the wonders of nature, I invite you to embark on a virtual journey and immerse yourself in the world of Birding.Pictures.

If you would like to use a photo for your personal or business use contact me for byline information. Please include the picture ID. Although not required, please consider Buying Me a Coffee (see button below) - the proceeds go to website expenses.

The pictures below are a sample from Bird Catalog.

Copyright 2021-2025 ©

I invite you to view Year’s in Review