About the American Kestrel
The American Kestrel is....
The smallest falcon in North America.
Is the distribution of the American Kestrel everywhere in North America?
Everywhere except Northern Canada, Coastal Western Canada and Coastal Alaska.
What is the scientific name?
Falco Sparverius
Is the American Kestrel the smallest bird of prey?
In North America yes, in the world no. The smallest bird of prey in the world is the Black-thighed Falconet from South Asia. It is the size of a sparrow.
What is the notch in the upper beak?
It is called a tomial tooth, it is used to cut into the prey item.
When does breeding season begin in MD (where my nest boxes are)?
Breeding season in Maryland begins between 15 April and 15 May.
How many eggs do Kestrels lay?
Kestrels lay between three and six eggs, usually 48 hours apart.
Do both the male and female incubate the eggs?
Yes, but mostly the female.
When do the eggs hatch?
After 28-31 days incubation.
Do both the male and female hunt after the eggs hatch?
No, only the male hunts. The female feeds and broods (sits on chicks during early stage of growth).
When do the young attain adult weight?
At 2-3 weeks old - they grow quickly.
When do the young fledge (leave the nest)?
They fledge 28-31 days after hatching.
How long do the fledglings remain in the core nest area?
Typically 3-4 weeks.
Interesting Kestrel behaviors...
If food is abundant they may hide uneaten food, this is called caching.
When hunting Kestrels will often hover overhead (before diving down to catch the prey), similar to the Osprey.