Eagles perform a courtship display known as the cartwheel. They fly high in the sky together, lock talons and spin downward. Just as you think they are going to hit the ground they separate and fly up high again (rarely do they hit the ground). I have witnessed this courtship and it is a sight to see.
Many species of raptors are either right or left taloned (have a dominate side).
An Ospreys’ nostrils close as they dive for fish.
The Osprey has zygodactyl feet which means they have two toes pointing forward and two pointing backward, but can move one of the backward toes forward as needed. Woodpeckers and owls also have zygodactyl feet.
We are seeing a decline in successful Osprey nests in and around the Chesapeake Bay in the last few years. This is due in large part to the decline of the menhaden fish. Why is the menhaden fish declining? For the answer to that view the short documentary: The Biggest Little Fish You’ve Never Seen.
The American Kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America.
The fastest bird in the world is the Peregrine Falcon. In a dive it can reach 200-240 miles per hour.