Finding the Nest
20 March 2021
ID - GHOW03-20-21
On 20 March 2021 while birding at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (CBEC) I noticed a great horned owl on an alternate inactive bald eagle nest. The nest was located in the pines of Owl Alley (appropriately named). She was already brooding (sitting on the owlets) at that time.
Being a volunteer at CBEC I was there on nearly a daily basis. I decided to record in photographs the development of the owlets. As this process progressed I learned a great deal about the great horned owl thanks to Judy Wink of CBEC. She has been very generous with her knowledge. Judy is a world renowned ornithologist with over 30 years of extensive field experience studying the great horned owl.
CBEC is a 510 acre non-profit wildlife preserve which includes marshes, meadows, shoreline and native woodland. It is an excellent location for birding. Consider visiting CBEC, becoming a member and supporting their mission.