Day Five Morning

I got a late start today. It rained the night before and there was a light rain early in the morning. I got to Magee Marsh at 8:30PM and again entered the boardwalk at the west entrance. The sun came out and it was a beautiful day.

I found a nice tree with the blue sky in the background, I decided to wait for a yellow warbler to come to it - I didn’t have to wait long.

A Philadelphia Vireo stopped for a bit while I was able to get a series of pictures of him:

I stopped by to see the screech owl.

I saw a couple of ducks fly in, then noticed they were wood ducks, they landed on a branch.

I spent four hours at Magee Marsh and saw 38 species of birds, including 9 types of warblers. I decided to head over to Maumee Bay boardwalk one more time to check on the screech owls.

I’m adding that visit as a separate page.


Day Five Afternoon


Day Four