Day Two
What a beautiful morning!!
It’s clear, 62F SE winds 6mph, gusts 8mph. The plan for today is to spend some time at Magee Marsh, then I will be attending a Leader’s Choice guided walk later.
I get to Magee Marsh a little after 7:00AM.
Besides the red-winged blackbirds and the tree swallows the bird I am hearing/seeing most is the yellow warbler. They were everywhere.
A bay-breasted warbler takes a short break from chasing bugs to preen.
I came around a corner in the boardwalk and noticed a number of photographers near a beautiful flowering tree, I heard someone say “the photographers like to stand there and wait for birds to come to the tree because it makes a good photo”. Then all of a sudden a few cedar waxwings fly to the tree - what luck, I just happened to be there at the right time with a beautiful blue sky in the background.
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Introducing the Prothonotary Warbler
This warbler was one of my favorites, even more yellow than the yellow warbler. It was not bashful, and as you can see, they would sometimes just pose for the camera. Its song was loud and beautiful - you knew when one was around.
Obviously there was something in the tree he was interested in.
After spending 2 hours, seeing 18 species, including my first life bird of the trip - a Least Flycatcher, it was time to drive to Manmee Bay Lodge to meet the van for the Leader’s Choice walk. Our first stop was to Nature Trails Park where we spent almost 2 hours, walking 1.59 miles. We saw 40 species, including two more life birds for me - a Mourning Warbler and a Philadelphia Vireo. I spent less time taking pictures and more time listening to the guides and watching for birds.
Our next stop was a drive back to Manmee Bay Park to walk the boardwalk there. We spent 2 hours there and walked 1.22 miles to see 42 species. The highlight was seeing a family of eastern screech owls (red morph).
There’s nothing sweeter then an eastern screech owl (especially a screech owlet), except maybe 24 hour old wood ducklings.
We finished our walk and I was told where to find cliff swallows nearby, another life bird for me. I went to the area and did indeed see them. After about 12 hours out birding, seeing four life birds, walking at least 4 miles I was ready to head back to the hotel.